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The Latin American-Canadian

A social pop up experience pulling you into the heart of the Chilean art scene, in downtown Toronto.


A Latin American-Canadian Art Exhibit at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, with physical and digital art done by Chilean-Canadian artists, as well as a VR experience of the Barrio Lastarria in Santiago. The Exhibit will also include a small coffee shop, where Peruvian coffee will be served to enhance the immersive experience. 


A simultaneous gallery will be held at Fundación CorpArtes in Santiago, featuring the same Chilean-Canadian artists. A digital message board will be featured at both events, allowing both Chilean and Canadian visitors to connect and share their thoughts.  


With COVID-19, the concept of travel can be seen as risky or troublesome to many even during this period of recovery. This exhibition will allow those of Latin-American descent, as well as the general public, to experience a different country without the hassle of travel.





Visit Barrio Lastarria in Santiago virtually.

Enjoy the art and atmosphere of one of the most artistic districts in Chile.
Walk through its streets and immerse yourself in the beautiful art.


Take a sip of Peru.

Drink a nice cup of Peruvian coffee, brought to you from this lovely country. This coffee is known for its exquisite flavor and properties.

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Discover the work of Chilean-Canadian artists.

Explore the art of Chilean-Canadian artists in-person and watch them come to life through your phones!


Connect with Santiago.

Participate in our digital message board and view or comment on messages left by visitors of Fundación CorpArtes in Santiago.




Emile Riga

Emile is our Marketing and Communications Manager, and has been overseeing the messaging for this exhibit. Emile has a passion for arts and culture, and finds his purpose in communication and sharing art with the world.


Jaden Tsan

Jaden is our Graphic Designer and Website Co-Designer. She has developed the graphics and prototype for our art exhibit, the coffee shop, and worked on the layout of our website. Jaden is interested in all things art and design.

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Constanza Guevara

Constanza is our Virtual Reality Manager. She has been researching this innovative technology and was in charge of filming and editing the prototype video. Cosntanza is interested in design, art and music. 

Image by Darius Bashar

Grissell Silva

Grissell is our Business Manager and has been overseeing all aspects of our business plan, including conducting research on potential partnerships and funding. 


Francisco Araya

Francisco is our Website Co-Designer and Researcher. He has organized and edited the website, conducted general necessary research, and looked into partnerships in Chile. Francisco is interested in technology and innovation.

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